Sunday, January 23, 2011

wise owl is back #5

"Sometimes a bad experience can change a person's life for better or worse.
  You're lucky; for you, things only got better... "
so a conversation between me and my bro,Jonathan Charles.
okey, let's name him just Joe. much better now.

i know that i love him, but not in which way.
I mean we grew up together, how cant i love him?
but what about the relationship part? ahm, we can work it out.

he- called me beautiful last night,
but i just dont see it.
i really dont.

1 comment:

  1. "Sometimes a bad experience can change a person's life for better or worse.
    You're lucky; for you, things only got better... "
    ^i've got to offense that joe has absolutely right!

    as for the jas part..i don't really know.
    ο χρονος θα δειξει!-δεν ξερω πως να το πω στ αγγλικα:π
